Achieving True Press Alignment with Precision Laser Tracking
Proper press geometry and alignment is the key to promoting tooling life, proper press operation, producing quality extrusions, and minimizing maintenance down time. However, many extruders find it difficult to maintain alignment on their presses. Wear on bushings and wear pads can change the position of the moving press components, and fatigued or yielded press frame components can alte...
Offering the latest in FARO ScanArm technology
Advanced FARO ScanArm and FAROBlu Laser Line Probe technology available now from Brilex Technical Solutions Do you need to reverse-engineer components to upgrade your equipment? Are you missing part drawings? Will quick, 3D inspections help with diagnosing your machine quality issues? Brilex Technical Solutions uses state-of-the-art FARO measuring devices for high-precision 3D measuremen...
Why choose BTS?
3 Reasons to Choose BTS as Your Extrusion Press Manufacturer Looking to increase throughput and maximize efficiency in an extrusion press, but not sure where to start? For heavy press service, it’s best to consider these three factors when selecting the right press manufacturer. 1. Experience In extrusion press and other press services, experience is key. It’s worth the value of having a...
Introducing Brilex Technical Solutions
The Brilex Group of Companies Expands its Engineering Capabilities with Brilex Technical Solutions New company offers advanced capital equipment and engineered solutions for industrial-grade applications BTS provides engineered product-based service in four categories: Material Handling, Extrusion Press, Shredder Products and Turntables The Brilex Group of Companies has announced the add...